Monthly Archives: May 2013

God Needs You

God needs you! He inhabits your inner self, but you don’t recognize Him. He manifests Himself in your life through a myriad of forms, but you still ignore Him. He encourages you with hope and showers you with His unconditional love, keeping you balanced and in harmony with your body, mind and emotions. He is […]

Our Thoughts Are Boomerangs

Your thoughts are seeds that you sow in the soil of your life. They will always produce according to their own qualities. There is no alteration whatsoever because the correlation between cause and effect is perfect. Life will return to you, in the form of happenings, sensations and emotions, everything you design and project on […]

God is Your Best Friend

God is your best, most perfect friend. He is always available, willing to listen to your complaints and show you a way out, a solution to your problems. He never gets tired, He never exasperates. If you search Him, He will be there for you to patiently assist you. When He is rejected by ignorance […]

How To Achieve Peace

Peace! We all long for peace, right? You and I, everyone wishes we could live in a more peaceful world. Peace is important to our lives; it is actually essential for our happiness, but how can we achieve it? Here, I am not talking about the peace that arises from the ashes of a war, […]